Goodbye Blab

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How many times has this happened to you? You find a good network, platform, app or API to grow your digital IQ and performance, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, there it is, the “service is ending” announcement.  Such was the case on August 12 with news of the demise of Blab, a live streaming […]

Stream Picks: From Mobile to Kanye

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Like many social media users, we were intrigued by DT’s fight with the Pope, Kanye West’s meltdown and the warm and fuzzy images accompanying the hashtag, #ObamaAndKids. None-the-less, among the clutter of politics and pop culture, we shared many social posts to maximize your marketing and small business momentum. Here are a few of our […]

R.I.P. Topsy

How many times has this happened to you? You find a good network, platform, app or API to grow your digital IQ, performance, and insight. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, there it is, the “service is ending” announcement. In the case of Topsy, some would argue that the handwriting was on the wall two years […]