Publicity: Is it All Good?

The traditional public relations mantra “there is no such thing as bad publicity” has been circulated and imitated in several forms since the 1800’s when P.T. Barnum, the ultimate self-promoter, first coined this phrase (or so legend has it).  Here are some of the more common versions of the original: All publicity is good publicity. […]

Stream Picks: From Mobile to Kanye

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Like many social media users, we were intrigued by DT’s fight with the Pope, Kanye West’s meltdown and the warm and fuzzy images accompanying the hashtag, #ObamaAndKids. None-the-less, among the clutter of politics and pop culture, we shared many social posts to maximize your marketing and small business momentum. Here are a few of our […]

Water, Warriors, and Small Business PR Lessons


Here are three Marketing Communications (MarCom) articles that caught my attention last week. If you’re a small business, they should peak your interest too. The headlines concerning the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis and Wounded Warriors (The Wounded Warrior Project) fiscal management media coverage, hold significant PR lessons. Putting them into perspective, a post on Everything-PR, […]