100 Degrees of Admiration: Thank You Judy McGrath

From pioneers and leaders to just plain “where-the-rubber-meets-the-road” type professionals, the LGK Hotlist of Influential Communicators pays homage to individuals who have had a profound impact upon the industry, our careers and the art and history of effective messaging. In our humble opinion, Judy McGrath is a true pioneer of reinvention, who not only revolutionized […]

Game Changer: Content Crowdsourcing

I have seen the future and it works. – Lincoln Steffens, Journalist (b.1866, d.1936) Content crowdsourcing is so much more than one of those “new, next, now” marketing buzz phrases. It is a pivotal game changer for brands, messaging and the bottom line. Named one of the top trends for 2013, content crowdsourcing is, in […]