Inventory Your Marketing Assets to Maximize Your Momentum

Every company – sole proprietorships, mom and pops, startups and corporate giants- has them: marketing assets. All content and related materials, from the obvious to the obscure, used to educate, inform or generate interest in the company are marketing assets. The Marketing Assets Toolkit is a complimentary guide to identify and evaluate the various components, […]

Spice Up Your Marketing Mojo: 4 Success Factors of Professional Design

Two years ago, a survey of more than 1,500 small-business owners, startups and entrepreneurs revealed that small businesses expect professional design to become increasingly important to their success in the years ahead. In a related article featured in the American Express online site Open Forum, Matt Mickiewicz, co-founder of 99designs, the company that conducted the […]

Ripped from the Headlines: What Small Businesses Can Learn about Newsjacking from a Bad PR Pitch

It’s New York Fashion Week. Designers, big and small, push the envelope beyond the runway for industry, online and consumer attention. So what could be wrong with a public relations pitch that newsjacks another high-profile event, resulting in worldwide headlines and hashtags? Plenty! It was a gaffe case studies are made of – one that […]