How to Get the Best Bang for Your Marketing Bucks

Do you have a dedicated marketing budget?  Perhaps it is rolled into something else like sales, advertising or promotion.  Or maybe you’re a small business and you are scrambling, scraping and pinching here and there or pulling dollars from your “other” line item, which was supposed to be for unseen items and emergencies.  Whatever your […]

Super Bowl Marketing, 1967 to 2017


Some people look at the Super Bowl as the greatest sporting competition each year. Others think of it as the greatest party and food gathering each year. We tend to look at it differently – as the ultimate marketing opportunity. Although it is out of reach for most companies due to the prohibitive rates, it […]

Marketing Through Generations


The birth year of your customers matters! This is particularly true as is relates to their generation. The Center for Generational Kinetics includes these descriptions for a “generation” on their FAQ’s page: A generation is a group of people born around the same time and raised around the same place. People in this “birth cohort” exhibit similar characteristics, preferences, […]